Thursday 12 March 2009

Just a Thought...

This post is dedicated to Will Dorsch for being the man, and wearing backpacks and suits together. I mean I think hes got something going on here. Maybe he should have a briefcase too? Or maybe even a trench coat? Damn that would be sexy.

But anyways,

In the wake of all the work I have to do, I was thinking today about an awkward situation. So what if a married high profile actor is in a nude scene with someone. For instance, if Brad Pitt was nude with Kate Blanchett or something. And they are getting intimate. What if our man Bradley pops a boner? How awkward is this for Blanchett? And would Angelina Jolie find out? Would she be like, "HONEY!! I HEARD YOU GOT HARD IN THE MOVIE SHOOT TODAY!!! DO YOU NOT LOVE ME?????" I think this was a pretty interesting scenario.

In another note, as much as I love Jeremy Crane, Andy Feldman, Nick Conti, Jim Kraus, Matt Boland....etc, The Buffalo Bums will fail with TO and only go 8-8, thus missing the playoffs. Im sorry, your division is just too tough. But it was a worth a try, especially for a high profile choke artist, like the Bills.


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